What is an Archived User (AU) license?

Is one of your users leaving your organization and you need to preserve their data?

An Archived User (AU) license lets you retain your users’ data, while preventing them from accessing their Google Workspace services. 


Note: Currently AU licensing is available for the following Google Workspace subscriptions:

-Enterprise Plus
-Enterprise Standard
-Business Plus
-G Suite Business


What happens to my data if I archive one of my users?

When you archive one of your users, all Google Workspace services data is archived and protected to prevent data loss. This will prevent the user from accessing Google services while keeping your data safe in case you need to access your user's data later on. 

To learn how AU archiving and unarchiving affects a user, please refer to this article.


What is the difference between an AU licensing and Google Vault licensing?

While an Archive User lets you archive your user's data, Google Vault lets you retain and create matters to hold your data for eDiscovery purposes. Google Vault is a full eDiscovery tool for your Google Workspace users and a very useful tool for legal investigations in your organization. To learn more about this standalone product, please refer to this article


How do I archive my users?

You can archive your users by navigating to the 'Users' page in your Admin console (admin.google.com) and following the steps outlined in this other article.


I don't see this option in my Admin console

If you'd like to have this additional subscription enabled, please reach out to us at help@cloudasta.com and we'll gladly enable this additional service for you.