How to get Drive notifications in Google Chat

Google Drive has become one of the top file storage applications sought by most global business owners and individuals. Google Drive has earned this popularity through its one-of-a-kind features that enhance user convenience.

One such popular feature of Google Drive is the provision to avail of Drive notifications in Google Chat. This feature particularly interests people as it helps users know when a new file is shared on their Google Drive. 

This feature also helps alert the user on access requests, storage space issues, activities on stored files, Google Drive mentions or assignments, etc. In short, this feature eliminates the need to check Google Drive now and then for various actions.

You can enable this feature by following several simple steps. The section below expects to provide details on how to get Drive notifications in Google Chat.

How to Get Drive Notifications in Google Chat?

Step 1

Go to your Google Hangouts Chat application.

Step 2

Check the Find People, Rooms, and Bots option in the top left corner. Click on the option.

Step 3

In the search slot that appears on the screen, type Google Drive and search.

Step 4

Now Google Drive opens up in the chat as a bot. The bot asks permission to turn on notifications from Google Drive in Hangouts Chat. Click the Yes option for the permission request. 

Step 6

Now the chat shows a pop-up to open Google Drive Settings. You can click it open and choose whichever notifications you expect to receive from the Drive through the chat.

Step 7

Once the options are selected, you will start receiving Drive notifications in your Google Chat.

How to Turn Off Notifications from Google Drive in Google Chat?

You can turn off notifications from Google Drive in Google Chat in some easy steps. 

Step 1

Go to the Chat application.

Step 2

Send a message to the Google Drive bot.

Step 3

The Drive bot responds promptly, along with a request as to whether you want to turn off the Drive notifications from appearing in the chat.

Step 4

Click on the Turn Off Notifications option to disable the Google Drive bot.